Why Whole30?


If you have been feeling blah with tummy distress, unexplained joint pain or brain fog then an elimination diet might be just perfect for you. The Whole30 is a 30 day reset where we remove problematic food groups from your diet, heal the gut with delicious, whole foods, and then reintroduce each food group to see how you respond. But it’s about so much more than food intolerances. Because we remove the temptation to eat out of bags or recreate sweet treats you really examine your relationship with food. Are you truly hungry or just bored? Are you eating when stressed or when you actually need food.

I became a Coach in 2017 after completing several rounds with life changing consequences. I love helping people become food intolerance detectives and am here for you every day of your Whole30 plus a prep week and a Reintroduction week. You CAN do it…do you WANT to take it on. I promise you will feel invincible once you finish.

Theresa Newman

Theresa Newman is an Integrative Nutritionist, an Advanced level Whole30 Certified Coach, a Certified Faster Way to Fat Loss Coach , and a Consultant for Scout & Cellar Clean Crafted Wines.  She is also a Wife, Mother and Grandmother and lives outside of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Her passion is helping people change their health by improving their plates, sleep, stress, relationships and self care. 


What is Clean Wine?


Do you need a Reset?