Do you need a Reset?

So how’s the Covid lockdown been going for you? Hands up if you’ve been snacking too much or baking too much…or both. Please note my hand is up haha. And while we need to give each other and ourselves a huge amount of grace for navigating the never ending pandemic/home schooling/trapped at home struggle, it’s about time to reign things in on all fronts. Let’s think Spring and how we all want to feel as we shed those layers of clothes, get reacquainted with friends and family (perhaps still outdoors) and turn the calendar.

Introducing my Spring Detox. My Whole30 and Holistic Nutrition Coaching Certifications have helped me to construct what I consider to be the perfect balance of reset with moderation. Listen I sell Clean Crafted Wine and I want to look forward to sipping some over the weekend. I also love to bake but I need some guard rails up on how much I’m baking and then indulging. So how about you? If this seems like a fun accountability group then please join me! I’ve got lots of fun giveaways, guest speakers and inspiration planned. It might just be the push you need to get back on track.

And please note- nutrition is hugely important but this is about so much more. We will discuss all kinds of eating plans, sleep, sex, relationships, clutter and organizing, movement and hydration. All of the parts that make up your beautiful, full life.

Sign up here

Theresa Newman

Theresa Newman is an Integrative Nutritionist, an Advanced level Whole30 Certified Coach, a Certified Faster Way to Fat Loss Coach , and a Consultant for Scout & Cellar Clean Crafted Wines.  She is also a Wife, Mother and Grandmother and lives outside of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Her passion is helping people change their health by improving their plates, sleep, stress, relationships and self care.

Why Whole30?